APEC’s Tourism ministerial meeting in Peru focuses on building sustainable tourism
Deputy Government Spokesperson Radklao Inthawong Suwankiri disclosed about the 12th Tourism Ministerial Meeting (TMM12) of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum, which will be held in the Republic of Peru during June 5-9, 2024.

The meeting is aim for member economies to acknowledge and endorse the progress made under the APEC Tourism Working Group (TWG)
Strategic Plan 2020–2024, and determine directions for APEC tourism cooperation. Three documents, which have been approved by the cabinet on June 4, 2024, will be adopt at the meeting. They are:
1. Draft Statement of the 12th APEC Tourism Ministerial Meeting (TMM12)
2. Draft Policy Recommendations on “Prevention of Food Loss and Reduction of Food Waste in Asia-Pacific Region” and
3. Draft Concept Paper on “APEC Platform for Promotion of Tourism Cooperation Opportunities in Asia-Pacific Region”
Mrs Radklao said the draft statement
outlines the need for new innovations to tackle challenges in the tourism sector and to promote sustainable tourism.
The draft policy recommendations is the outcome of a research project conduct by the Republic of Peru,
which will support APEC principle in a concrete manner. The draft Concept Paper is aim to create a platform for tourism data management to promote international cooperation in tourism,
facilitate collaborations and exchange of information related to tourism, and enhance tourism resource management efficiency for tourism sustainability of the Asia-Pacific region.
The 3 documents demonstrate joint intent of member
economies to develop regional tourism and promote tourism revitalization and economic growth in an inclusive and sustainable manner. Thailand’s participation in TMM12 will enhance the country’s notable role at the international stage.
Covid-19 caused tourism industry to use new technologies and innovations
She added that COVID-19 has brought about changes in various aspects of tourism, including the concept of and responsibility for sustainable tourism.
New technologies and innovations will be emphasize at the meeting in tackling the current challenges. The Thai Government and relevant agencies are ready to join APEC in promoting sustainable tourism and community engagement in a bid to create employment and disseminate revenue to the local communities.
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