Welfare card holders 14.98 million will eligible digital wallet money first

Chai Wacharongke, Government spokesman said Welfare card holders 14.98 million will eligible digital wallet money first
Chai Wacharongke, Government spokesman said Welfare card holders 14.98 million will eligible digital wallet money first

The government planned to distribute digital wallet money to vulnerable groups of 14.98 million state welfare card holders first.

Chai Wacharongke
Chai Wacharongke

Mr Chai Wacharongke, Government spokesman said the cabinet endorsed an additional expenditure for the 2024 budget fiscal with 122 billion baht. The 122 billion baht additional expenditure will be funde for the digital wallet scheme.

“The government needs to allow for the registration process for a distribution 10,000 baht of the digital wallet scheme within the 2024 fiscal budget. The registering process will enable the government to disburse the additional budget 2024  within September 30. This is in accordance with Section 21 of the Fiscal and Financial Discipline Act.  This will help the government enable the operation to complete within the 2024 fiscal budget.  The government may distribute 10,000 baht money to the vulnerable groups of people who hold state welfare cards with 14.98 million first .” Mr. Chai said.

Propose to the parliament this July 

The meeting among four economic agencies agreed details of an additional expenditure 2024 fiscal budget. The budget will be allocate to stimulate the economy and strengthen the economic system. The government projected that revenue collection would increase. However, the government needs to borrow to compensate for the deficit budget total 112 billion baht.

The government planned to propose an additional budget to the cabinet on July 9 2024. Later. The government will propose the additional expenditure to the parliament in July.

Mr Paopoom Rojanasakul, deputy finance minister said the registration criteria for shops have not yet been settle. The government will balance between small sups and large shops.

“I would like to confirm that participating stores will be small businesses as well, not just only large ones. However. A balance must be maintaine between the easing process for participants and number of stores. Therefore. convenience stores must be include in lists in order to make it easier for the people.” Mr Paopoom said.

Mr Paopoom said the Project Steering Committee will meet every week to set criteria in all dimension. We will consider the matter of connecting the system of “Open Loop” among banks, businesses to any wallet system. The government needs to create better understanding on the system.

Related News : Cabinet gave a green light additional fiscal budget 2024 for digital wallet scheme